Our commitments

An HR strategy built on quality

Université PSL believes that the talent, experience and investment of its personnel represent one of its most valuable assets. Human resources are the main prerequisite for its excellence.
Its human resources strategy, developed and shared with its members, is based on common values and commitments:

  • Promoting diversity in all its forms
  • Helping employees achieve professional well-being in every respect
  • Developing and adapting the skills of all its employees
  • Promoting inclusive approaches
  • Ensuring transparency, open-mindedness, and non-discrimination in hiring

This commitment is enshrined in HRS4R (Human Resources Strategy for Researchers), in which the university and its members participate. 

The approach is broken down into a plan of 28 joint actions to promote scientific integrity, non-discrimination, working conditions, and training.

The PSL academic recruitment charter is one implementation of the strategy, affirming the university’s commitment to open-minded hiring based solely on applicants’ merit.

Fostering skill development

Université PSL intends to offer all its employees the opportunity to enhance their professionalism, acquire and develop new skills, and advance their career.
To achieve this, it looks to:

  • The College and doctoral schools of PSL, which are responsible for training PhD students and ultimately helping them launch their careers;
  • The Center of Pedagogical Excellence, which offers an annual course of study to improve teaching practices and supports instructors in their use of digital tools;
  • The PSL School, a joint service devoted to group training for all employees, which implements more than 200 in-person and distance learning initiatives each year, alongside the schools, offering an ambitious program to meet the needs of nearly 1,500 participants in a variety of fields (management, support for research, languages, personal development, prevention, digital technology, etc.). These offerings are complemented by free access to all of the online courses offered by LinkedIn Learning.

Finally, developing certificates and professional courses, like the Management course launched in 2020, is one of the priorities in PSL’s multi-year strategic training plan.

Favoriser le développement des compétences

L’Université PSL entend offrir à tous ses personnels l’opportunité de se professionnaliser, d’acquérir et développer de nouvelles compétences et de faire évoluer leur carrière.
Elle s’appuie à cette fin sur :

  • Le Collège et les écoles doctorales de PSL, qui prennent en charge la formation des doctorants et veillent à leur insertion professionnelle future ;
  • Le Centre d’Excellence Pédagogique, qui propose chaque année un parcours d’approfondissement à la pratique pédagogique et accompagne les enseignants dans leur usage des outils numériques ;
  • L’Ecole interne, service mutualisé dédié à la formation collective de tous les collaborateurs, qui initie chaque année, aux côtés des établissements, plus de 200 actions en présentiel ou distanciel et propose ainsi une offre ambitieuse et adaptée à près de 1500 stagiaires dans des domaines variés (management, soutien à la recherche, langues, développement personnel, prévention, numérique…). Celle-ci est complétée par un accès gratuit à l’ensemble des formations en ligne de la plateforme Linkedin Learning.

Enfin, la construction de parcours certifiants et professionnalisants est une des orientations prioritaires du plan pluriannuel stratégique de formation de PSL, à l’image du parcours Management lancé en 2020.

An inclusive, discrimination-free university

As a public university, PSL promotes diversity (in terms of gender, disability, and social, ethnic, and geographical origins). Its programs and partnerships promote access for all and foster the diverse expression of talent.

Disability policy

All PSL schools participate in shared initiatives to create a unified policy for supporting people with disabilities at the scale of the university, which has developed a multi-year master plan on disability policy with five strategic priorities that include improving recruitment, employment rates, and support for employees with disabilities.

Equality, diversity, non-discrimination

All of PSL’s members share a desire to promote equality, diversity, and non-discrimination at work. This is illustrated through concrete actions, such as:

  • The inclusion of non-discrimination and gender equality in its Recruitment Charter
  • A PSL Equality and Diversity Charter and action plan
  • Awareness raising and education about cognitive bias and on preventing sexism and sexual harassment
  • Initiatives within various component schools (Women and Science Chair at Dauphine-PSL, Gender Equality Plan at Curie, training on gender equality in the sciences at ESPCI-PSL, etc.)

A responsible, open-minded university

The university’s ambition is to make an impact on current and future society, in part by using its research to propose solutions to issues facing the world today (economic and environmental challenges, major societal issues, digital revolution, etc.) and in part by training civic-minded, responsible artists, researchers, engineers, executives, and decision-makers in all the sectors encompassed by its broad scope.

All its actions grow out of the principles of integrity and ethics as it strives to disseminate the results of its research as broadly as possible.  

PSL’s activities are guided by its ethics committee, the network of integrity liaisons, and a Scientific Integrity Charter.


The university offers workshops for its PhD students and researchers to learn about and reflect upon these topics.

It has voluntarily opted for an Open and Open Access Science approach, expanding to all its schools a practice that was already firmly entrenched for many of them.

It has a dedicated charter and liaison.

Disseminating research results to the public is a longstanding practice at Université PSL. For many years, its component schools have been heavily involved in public debates. They boast renowned outreach entities (Mines de Paris-PSL mineralogy museum, Marie Curie’s house at Institut Curie-PSL, Espace Pierre-Gilles de Gennes, etc.). They also host leading events aimed at disseminating scientific knowledge and participate in major events in France and internationally (such as Fête de la Science, Nuit des Musées, and Nuits de la Philosophie).

These activities extend into PSL Explore (https://explore.psl.eu/en), a knowledge dissemination platform providing free access to 6 million documents conserved by the schools’ libraries, archives, and museums, as well as hundreds of lectures, research films, MOOCs, and virtual exhibits.